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La Défense, Paris

1. Introduction

1.1 This privacy policy (the “Privacy Policy”) describes how ViaCon Group, (“ViaCon Group”, “we”, “us” and “our”), process your personal data when you visit ViaCon Group’s website (the “Website”).

1.2 For the purpose of this Privacy Policy, “ViaCon Group” refers to ViaCon Group AB (publ), with reg. no 556228-2437, and entities directly or indirectly controlled by ViaCon Group AB (publ), including but not limited to entities belonging to any of ViaCon Group’s business areas (as may exist from time to time) such as listed in Appendix 1.

1.3 We respect and safeguard your personal integrity. It is therefore important for us to protect your personal data and ensure that our processing of your personal data is correct and lawful. We ask that you read this Privacy Policy carefully and famil-iarize yourself with its content. We may sometimes need to make updates or changes to this Privacy Policy, you can always find the latest version of this Privacy Policy on our Website.

2. Identity and contact details of the data controller

2.1 ViaCon Group is the data controller in regards to the processing of your personal data within the scope of this Privacy Policy and thus responsible for the processing of such personal data under applicable data protection laws and regulations.

2.2 If you have any questions regarding the processing of your personal data, please contact the ViaCon Group at or by post or phone at:

ViaCon Group HQ
Björklundabacken 3
436 57 Hovås, Sweden
+46 10 484 94 00

3. The content of this Privacy Policy

3.1 This Privacy Policy applies to processing of personal data of visitors to the Website and our customers.

3.2 This Privacy Policy will for example include information on for what purposes we process your personal data, with which parties we share your personal data as well as information on your rights as a data subject.

3.3 If you want to read more about how we manage cookies on our Website, please read our cookie policy [include link].

4. What categories of personal data do we process, for what purpose do we process them and on what lawful basis do we base or processing activi-ties?

4.1 How we process your personal data

4.1.1 We process your personal data in the way and for the purposes described in the tables below in this Clause 4, and we are accountable in the role as data controller for the processing activities described in each table.

4.1.2 We need to base each purpose on a lawful basis. A lawful basis can for example be (i) your consent to the specific processing activity, (ii) that the processing is nec-essary for the performance of a contract to which you as data subject is party, (iii) that we, based on weighing of interests, have a legitimate interest to process your personal data, which is not overruled by your interest of not having your personal data processed. In the tables below you will find on what lawful basis we process your personal data, for what purpose we process your personal data as well as for what period in time we will keep your personal data.

4.2 Analysis of Website visitor traffic through use of third party tools


In order to maintain, facilitate and improve the functions and user experience of our Website, as well as support our work on detecting and coun- teracting flaws, breaches and inci- dents.

Processing activities

  • In order to fulfil the pur-pose we use analytic tools offered by third parties. The statistics created and analytic activities pursued with support of these ser-vices is conducted with use of data in aggregated form and with de-identified or anonymised data. 
  • Collection of statistics and analysis of visitor traffic on our Website as well as anal-ysis of other technical in-formation which is gener-ated upon visiting our Website.

Categories of personal data

  • IP-address.
  • Other technical information which is generated upon visit-ing our Website, such as what type of device is used, web browser used, history of vis-ited sites including the time entry (information from used web browser, time zone of the place from which you visited our Website and other infor-mation on web traffic).

Lawful basis: Legitimate interest, wherein our legitimate interest is to maintain and develop our business relation with you or the company you represent.

Retention period: We process and keep your personal data as long as we have a business relation with you or the company you represent, however for a maximum of 24 months from the time we last were in contact because of our business relation.